taxes, IRS

As the IRS faces a backlog of about 23.5 million tax returns and pieces of correspondence stretching back to the 2020 tax season, members of the House Oversight and Reform Committee called on the agency Thursday to modernize its IT systems and invest in scanning technology to improve efficiency. […]

Senate hearing Congressional-min

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved legislation on March 30 that would jumpstart IT modernization efforts for Federal agencies – but at the same time rejected an amendment to the bill that would help pay for that effort. […]


Sens. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H. and John Cornyn, R-Texas, introduced a bill on March 23 that aims to reduce the Federal government’s reliance on outdated and obsolete information technologies (IT) by requiring agency officials to inventory their “legacy” IT systems and come up with plans to modernize systems. […]

CX Customer experience -min

IT modernization can be helpful for agencies to optimize their workflows, but chief information officers (CIOs) at a number of Federal agencies are prioritizing the optimization of customer experience over some of the agencies’ more internal needs. […]

Government agencies have had to adapt to the “new normal” brought on by COVID-19 – new ways of working, new consumer behaviors, and new business reorganization. But the key to success is updated modernization, according to several chief information officers (CIO). […]

Federal money spending government

As Democrats in the House and Senate reconcile differences on the slimmed-down $1.75 billion budget reconciliation bill that funds “soft” infrastructure priorities, some tech and cyber-related provisions have fallen out of the bill or had their funding levels slashed, while others made new appearances into the latest draft of the bill, which has been cut down from its original $3.5 trillion price tag. […]


Government agencies continue to modernize IT environments putting data to work for employees, citizens, and the warfighter. During a webinar hosted by Dell Technologies on Oct 19, Federal chief intelligence officers (CIOs) shared best practices for selecting the right infrastructure for high-value workloads.



The United States Army wants to freely send data back and forth from its legacy enterprise systems to the tactical edge, and Army officials said the key to getting there is mapped out in the service branch’s recently released strategy to unify tactical and enterprise networks and ultimately create a common data fabric. […]


The United States Department of the Navy (DON) Information Superiority Vision is set to reshape how the service branch develops and deploys information technology services by embracing swift adoption of digital tools and shareability across the entire organization and its subcomponents. […]

The U.S. Army has decided to delay the massive overhaul of its enterprise IT personnel system in favor of conducting additional testing, which will push the launch date of the new system from December of this year to September 2022. […]


The $1 billion of new funding that the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) received earlier this year under the American Rescue Plan Act was welcomed by chief information officers (CIOs) from numerous agencies, but many CIOs are saying the new infusion of money is not enough for IT modernization needs. […]

Federal money spending government

Proposed funding for a host of new tech-related spending projects are springing forth from new House committee legislative prints contributing to the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, and now it’s wait-and-see on which – if any – of them survive what is likely to be a free-wheeling House-Senate negotiation on the giant spending bill. […]

us passport government publishing office gpo

The question is not whether Federal agencies should modernize but how do Federal agencies modernize most efficiently. Federal IT experts describe the implementation strategies and initiatives around their agencies’ IT modernization efforts during a virtual forum held by Federal News Network on August 31. […]

Army DoD military Defense AI

The U.S. Army issued a solicitation for a potential 10-year, $10 billion contract vehicle to provide commercial information technology (IT) hardware to support the service’s enterprise infrastructure and infostructure goals. […]


While the steady performance of most large Federal agencies on the latest version of the FITARA Scorecard drew notes of praise from leaders of the House Government Operations Subcommittee at their July 28 hearing to review the grades, the central focus on the hearing – cybersecurity and IT modernization – got the most attention from private sector tech leaders. […]

Veterans Affairs

Dan McCune, the acting associate deputy assistant secretary of the Enterprise Program Management Office at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), talked about major themes in the agency’s IT modernization approach during a virtual webinar hosted by Federal News Network on July 21.  […]


According to a notice of intent posted on the SAM website, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) plans to make sole-source contract awards to seven vendors to modernize its immunization information system (IIS). […]


For once, the biggest problem with engineering effective IT modernization may not boil down to a lack of money to tackle the job. That conclusion was a top-line takeaway from Republicans, Democrats, and private sector experts at a hearing of the House Government Operations Subcommittee hearing today on how the COVID-19 pandemic exposed state and local governments’ antiquated IT systems, and what governments should do about it now that pandemic conditions are easing in many areas. […]


With the United States and the rest of the world emerging from the shadow of pandemic to reengage with whatever “normal” life brings next, demands for how government should provide vital services to citizens – and the IT resources needed to improve delivery of them – have changed the service equation for good. […]


As IT modernization has become essential for Federal agencies to meet their mission needs, agency leaders described digital modernization plans and shared some insight on how to modernize effectively and efficiently. […]


As Congress closes in on pushing through a historic funding increase for Federal IT modernization, former Federal IT officials gave the latest legislative advancement a warm welcome today and offered an early look at some types of projects that might benefit most from quick investments.  […]

