Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Eric Olson has stepped down as chief information officer (CIO) at the Department of the Treasury, a Treasury spokesperson confirmed to MeriTalk. […]

The chairman and ranking member of the House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Government Reform delivered a clear to-do list on Thursday to Federal CIOs: pursue further data center consolidation, tighten the reporting lines between CIOs and agency heads, and craft better roadmaps for IT modernization. […]


Federal CIO Suzette Kent tops the witness list for the House Government Operations Subcommittee’s June 26 hearing to assess implementation of the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA), and to release the eighth version of the full House Oversight and Reform Committee’s FITARA Scorecard that grades Federal agencies on their progress under the law, MeriTalk has learned. […]

Treasury Department Chief Information Officer Sonny Bhagowalia has been reassigned as a detailee at the Bureau of Fiscal Services, according to a department spokesperson. In the new role, Bhagowalia will continue working on cybersecurity and technology projects. Deputy CIO Eric Olson will become acting CIO. […]
