Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Highly Assured Data-Centric Security (HADCS) goes beyond traditional perimeter-based security models by shifting the focus to securing the data itself, explained Keith Strini, the chief technical strategist for the Department of Defense and intelligence community at Dell Technologies. […]

Pentagon Military Defense DoD

Industry experts on Wednesday discussed how they are working with the Department of Defense (DoD) and intelligence agencies to leverage zero trust to meet the information-sharing requirements of the United States Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) and its partners. […]

The Deputy Commanding General for the U.S. Army’s XVIII Airborne Corps, Brig. Gen. John Cogbill, on Wednesday detailed the command’s effort to become “the Army’s first AI-enabled corps” – a directive given to the unit in 2020 under former Commander Gen. Michael Kurilla. […]

Defense Information Systems Agency, DISA

A top Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) official offered a look today at DISA’s ongoing efforts to provide cloud services to military branches outside the contiguous U.S. (OCONUS), noting the agency’s successes specifically with the Stratus cloud program during remarks at the WEST 2024 conference in San Diego, Calif., co-sponsored by AFCEA International and the U.S. Naval Institute. […]

Federal CIO Suzette Kent said today she is “hopeful” that the Federal Data Strategy and guidance on the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act will be released “in the next 30 days” by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). […]

The Department of Defense’s recently released Cloud Strategy covers a lot of territory, from an emphasis on the multibillion dollar Joint Enterprise Defense Initiative as a foundation of its plans, to its description of seven strategic objectives it wants to achieve in the cloud. One of those objectives is to extend tactical support to warfighters at the network edge to give units in the field the technology and tactical information they need to operate in a battlefield where seamless communications are essential and where cyber operations and electronic warfare are an increasingly important factor. […]

Cybersecurity cyber

Discussions this morning with a Federal agency IT professional and an IT acquisition professional revealed very different views of the Federal government’s security posture.

Shared on the condition of no attribution during an AFCEA (Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association) Bethesda event Tuesday morning, the speakers’ varying opinions showed how the balance between security and effectiveness is an issue still up for debate. […]

Cyber Security Brainstorm

With emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain continuing to reveal their capabilities to the marketplace, Federal IT leaders discussed the potential–and the pitfalls–of implementing new technology in government during a Thursday session at an event hosted by the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA). […]

Military AI DoD Defense

Further development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has the potential to tip the scales in cybersecurity in favor of the defender, said Air Force Lt. Gen. Bradford Shwedo, director for Command, Control, Communications and Computers/Cyber, and CIO for Joint Chiefs of Staff, today at an event organized by the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA). […]

Pentagon and allied leaders agree that future conflicts will likely take the shape of a “hyperwar” –a fast-paced clash guided via cyberspace and accelerated by artificial intelligence, but with real, even possibly nuclear, consequences. NATO’s most recent risk report, the GLOBSEC NATO Adaptation Initiative, states that the next world war could come as a hyperwar, and says North Korea, China, and Russia are working on the capability. Speakers on a panel at this month’s AFCEA West 2018 conference in San Diego agreed, emphasizing that the United States needs to keep up with technological developments being adopted by other countries, particularly with regard to artificial intelligence (AI). […]

With the passion of an evangelical, Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan preached the Defense Department’s (DoD) “uncompromising” approach to cybersecurity last month at the AFCEA West conference in San Diego. And, his sermon included spreading the responsibility for cybersecurity to industry as a condition of winning contracts. […]

MeriTalk compiles a weekly roundup of contracts and other industry activity. Here’s what happened this week in the Federal Information Technology community. […]
