Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

The White House’s Safer Federal Workforce Task Force released new guidance this week calling on agencies to establish COVID-19 testing programs by Feb. 15 for Federal employees who are not fully vaccinated, including those with an approved or pending exemption. […]


Vaccines play a crucial role in keeping communities healthy, but vaccine development remains expensive and complex. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) conducted a review that identified innovative technologies and approaches that may help speed vaccine development for high-priority infectious diseases. […]

COVID-19 vaccine

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has seen a nine percent increase in Veterans Health Administration (VHA) employees that have received the COVID-19 vaccine since the VA mandated the shot, but is still facing a 12 percent unvaccinated share of VHA employees with only a few weeks left before the Oct. 8 deadline. […]


The Army released its COVID-19 vaccination plan this week, which requires active-duty units to be fully vaccinated by Dec. 15, 2021, and Reserve and National Guard units by June 30, 2022. […]


The U.S. Air Force (USAF) announced all active-duty airmen and Space Force guardians need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Nov. 2 and Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve personnel have until Dec. 2. […]

COVID-19 vaccine

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is expanding its COVID-19 vaccine mandate on Aug. 13 to include most Veterans Health Administration (VHA) employees, volunteers, contractors, or anyone who comes in contact with VA patients and healthcare workers as part of their job, the agency announced today. Additionally, the National Guard, part of the Department of […]

COVID-19 vaccine

Digital workflow software provider ServiceNow is working with state and foreign governments to help speed up their coronavirus vaccination efforts, and is targeting Federal government organizations for the same services as they roll out more aggressive steps to boost vaccination rates. […]

Army DoD military Defense AI
