Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
President Biden Signs AI EO / POTUS Twitter

Top officials with prominent providers of technology services to the Federal government welcomed the Biden administration’s April 30 national security memorandum (NSM) that aims to better protect U.S. critical infrastructure sectors, and said that success of that effort will depend on robust collaboration with the private sector and renewed efforts to modernize IT systems and protect them with tried-and-true cybersecurity strategies. […]

White House

President Biden today signed a new national security memorandum (NSM) that aims to better protect U.S. critical infrastructure sectors by enlisting U.S. intelligence agencies to ramp up their sharing of threat data across multiple levels of government and with private-sector critical infrastructure providers. […]

White House

The White House released a National Security Memorandum (NSM) today containing a new set of actions aimed to strengthen cybersecurity efforts to protect United States critical infrastructure amid the growing number of cyber threats and cyberattacks. […]
