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GSA General Services Administration

The General Services Administration released the proposed list of special item numbers (SINs) and categories for the upcoming consolidated Multiple Award Schedule (MAS), cutting down the number of SINs from over 900 to around 300, the agency announced today in a request for information. […]

General Services Administration GSA

The General Services Administration (GSA) released a request for information (RFI) Friday, June 7 on the agency’s plan to consolidate its 24 existing schedules into one contract vehicle, including a draft version of the terms and conditions for the new Multiple Award Schedule (MAS). Feedback is due by June 21. […]

GSA General Services Administration

The General Services Administration (GSA) plans to reduce the number of special item numbers (SINs) from over 940 to “just over 300” as part of its Multiple Awards Schedule (MAS) consolidation effort, agency officials told industry members during a May 22 webinar. […]

Emily Murphy GSA

Emily Murphy, administrator at the General Services Administration (GSA), detailed the agency’s plan to consolidate 24 multiple-award schedules into one, and how the change will benefit both agencies and industry. […]

GSA General Services Administration

General Services Administration officials said today they expect their plan to consolidate 24 multiple award schedules into a single schedule for products and services to take about two years to complete, and that the effort is expected to yield workforce cost savings and efficiencies for both GSA and private sector partners that sell to the Federal government. […]

General Services Administration GSA

The General Services Administration (GSA) announced on Tuesday that the agency is condensing its 24 multiple award schedules, including IT Schedule 70, into a single schedule for products and services, in a move that it says will simplify acquisitions for Federal agencies. […]
