Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

A bipartisan group of senators reintroduced the Protecting Resources On The Electric grid with Cybersecurity Technology (PROTECT) Act. The legislation would enhance electric grid security by incentivizing electric utilities to make cybersecurity investments, as well as establishing a Department of Energy (DoE) grant and technical assistance program to deploy advanced cybersecurity technology for utilities that are not regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). […]

Cybersecurity flag

Experts and members of the defense industrial base shared the challenges they face in maintaining a strong cyber posture and a secure supply chain with the Senate Armed Services Cybersecurity Subcommittee on Tuesday, alarming the senators listening to their challenges. […]


A day after the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) filled its board of commissioners for the first time since April 2018 by confirming Brendan Carr and Geoffrey Starks to full five-year terms, the FCC shuttered most of their operations on Thursday amid the partial government shutdown. […]
