Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is looking to consolidate its digital human resources system into one single system and wants a contractor to help manage and support VA’s Enterprise Human Resources Information Services (EHRIS). […]

The Veterans Administration (VA) is putting out a call for feedback from industry on its plan to standardize the agency’s Human Resources (HR) IT systems. The agency’s request for information (RFI), posted Dec. 11, asks for comment by Jan. 14, 2021. […]

The Defense Digital Service (DDS) is seeking out a cloud-hosted Software as a Service (SaaS) to “improve, streamline, and automate its hiring process,” according to a Dec. 9 request for information (RFI). […]

Census 2020 image-min

The Census Bureau’s personnel and hiring systems are not ready to scale to meet the peak demand needed for the 2020 Decennial Census, according to a management alert from the Department of Commerce’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG). […]

With technology enabling advances in human resources, HR departments can’t just toss their requirements over to the CIO’s office; they need to work with IT to take charge of technology projects, said Roland Edwards, deputy chief human capital officer (CHCO) at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). […]
