Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

As Federal Deputy CIO Maria Roat steps down as president of the American Council for Technology (ACT), starting July 1 Internal Revenue Service Deputy Chief Procurement Officer Harrison Smith has been selected to fill the role, ACT-IAC announced June 30. […]

procurement acquisition sales e-commerce buy buying

Artificial Intelligence and how it may impact employees is front-of-mind when it comes to workforce issues, but having “organizational depth” can help ease the transition of implementing AI in a rational and beneficial way. […]

The Treasury Department is looking to test and adopt Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technologies to help enable its employees to do “higher-value” work, according to Treasury’s Acting Senior Procurement Executive Harrison Smith. […]

Machine learning AI modernization

Pilots and projects involving artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are producing some early wins for Federal agencies in procurement, evaluation, and other areas, government officials said on Thursday. […]
