Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

The Federal government has made swift progress in ramping up the use of robotic process automation (RPA) technologies over the past year-plus, and has set the stage to rapidly increase RPA adoption going forward, a senior General Services Administration (GSA) official said today. […]

The General Services Administration (GSA) has announced initial publication of its Federal Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Program Playbook that aims to assist agencies in establishing new RPA programs, and provide guidance for existing programs. […]

Robotic Process Automation

As robotic process automation (RPA) takes root in the Federal government, a conservative approach on security and authority to operate certifications (ATOs) from agency IT organizations can be a roadblock to the adoption of RPA, said Gerard Badorrek, CFO at the General Services Administration. […]

Robotic Process Automation

The General Services Administration (GSA) announced its launch of a robotic process automation (RPA) community of practice (CoP) this week to prepare Federal agencies to maximize their utilization of emerging RPA technologies. […]

Robotic Process Automation

The General Services Administration (GSA) is using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology to increase efficiencies across the agency, and a top agency official insists that employees have no reason to fear that their jobs will be eliminated as a result. […]
