Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

During the nine months of the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve asked a hundred variations of that question to people whose professional lives near the tip of the technology spear put them in good positions to predict the future and get as many good answers back. At the dawn of a more hopeful 2021, here’s a look at how the Federal work-scape may play out in the longer term, courtesy of three veteran technologists.  […]


Key Federal IT suppliers agree that 2020 has been the year of making remote work and service delivery happen by any means necessary, and say that 2021 represents the opportunity for government to build better security and modern architecture into Federal networks as the remote-access experiment becomes the standard way of doing business and delivering services. […]


Egon Rinderer, global VP-enterprise services and Federal CTO at Tanium, hasn’t missed much in his 28 years in the IT world. Before joining Tanium six years ago, he notched engagements all along the industry spectrum as CIO, entrepreneur, chief technical liaison to the intelligence community at Intel, plus an eight-year hitch in the U.S. Navy & JSOC.  […]
