The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy launched the beta site for the Resilience Dialogues, an online forum for collaboration on solutions related to climate change.
The White House worked with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Climate CoLab to build on its idea of collective intelligence to solve climate problems. The Resilience Dialogues will include input from academic, nonprofit, government, and private individuals to decide on the best climate change solutions.
The system will be managed by the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP).
Scientists and other experts worked with five communities across the United States to pilot a set of facilitated online discussions to study how the initial website would work. The communities, which included Coral Gables, Fla., Dubuque, Iowa, Knoxville, Tenn., Minneapolis, and Kansas City, Mo., identified their own climate challenges, mapped out the resources needed, and defined obstacles that would be faced in order to solve these problems.
The beta phase is available to communities affiliated with the California Governor’s Office for Planning and Research, Local Governments for Sustainability, Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, Community and Regional Resilience Institute (CARRI), and Resilience AmeriCorps. The Resilience Dialogues intend to expand to any communities that wish to participate in the conversations.
“Effective climate-resilience strategies require place-based and sector-specific scientific information on potential risks and opportunities posed by increasing climate variability and change,” said Amy Luers, assistant director for climate resilience and information at the OSTP, and Mike Kuperberg, executive director of the USGCRP, in a blog post.