The Senate today unanimously passed the Federal Rotational Cyber Workforce Program Act of 2019 today, moving the legislation one step closer to establishing a cyber workforce that can move between Federal agencies as needed.

The bill would require agencies to designate certain positions at Federal agencies as rotational, and allow workers from the Federal rotational force at large to fill them for six months to a year. The program would be managed by the Office of Personnel and Management, with input from the Department of Homeland Security.

The Senate bill made substantial progress in the last session of Congress, but did not make it to the floor for a Senate vote. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the bill would have little fiscal impact in its implementation phase. With the backing of cosponsors Gary Peters, D-Mich., Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., Ron Johnson, R-Wis., and John Hoeven, R-N.D., the bipartisan bill has cleared a big hurdle with today’s vote.

However, the legislation lacks a counterpart measure in the House.

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