The Department of Energy (DoE) announced today that Puesh Kumar will be serving as acting principal deputy assistant secretary for DoE’s Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER).
“With this appointment, DoE is accelerating capacity-building and reinforcing the Department’s commitment to lead energy sector cybersecurity efforts. As part of the mission, Kumar will help lead in addressing cybersecurity, physical security, and natural hazards and threats to the U.S.’ energy infrastructure,” DoE said in a press release.
“Mr. Kumar’s selection reflects DoE’s continued commitment to hiring talented and diverse public servants that can deliver on the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal to build and deploy resilient, secure, and clean energy infrastructure,” the release continued.
According to his bio, Kumar was most recently in the private sector before returning to civil service. He was principal manager for cybersecurity engineering and risk management at Southern California Edison. Prior to that, Kumar had spent time with DoE before, serving as director of preparedness and exercises for CESER’s Infrastructure Security and Energy Restoration division and senior advisor for policy and strategy at CESER.
In total, Kumar “has over 15 years of experience in grid modernization, cybersecurity, and emergency response within the energy sector.”