The Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s (ODNI) Science and Technology Group (STG) is seeking feedback on its Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2026 Science and Technology (S&T) Investment Landscape, which sets a pathway for its S&T investment portfolio over the next four fiscal years, according to a request for information (RFI) published last month.
An unclassified version of the S&T Investment Landscape looks to categorize the needs S&T investment needs of the intelligence community (IC) into two tiers, and looks at investment and development opportunities of the sectors. The investment landscape is one of three documents that compose the ODNI S&T Investment Planning Guidance, along with the FY2022-2026 Strategic Plan and Investment Framework
“The Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s (ODNI) Science and Technology (S&T) Investment Planning Guidance … collectively lays the foundation for better positioning the IC to advance our nation’s interests by anticipating and preparing for the demands of the future,” DNI Avril Haines and Principal Deputy DNI Stacey Dixon wrote.
“These documents serve as a roadmap for advancing and sustaining a diverse and talented technical workforce, championing and advocating for S&T that is not only effective but will provide the IC with a competitive advantage, enhancing and creating enduring and purposeful partnerships with a range of non-traditional public and private partners, managing risk, and integrating expertise across a range of technical and mission-oriented disciplines,” they said.
This investment landscape is an updated version of the work done in the FY2015-2019 IC S&T Landscape. The landscape examines the needs and opportunities to further invest in the IC-wide development and deployment of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, cyber, computing, data, as well as different sciences from behavioral science to materials and manufacturing and more.
“Awareness of mission-related challenges is key to renewing and ensuring our nation’s intelligence advantage, and this Landscape is one way the IC can engage with a range of stakeholders on our anticipated problems to create the Community of the future,” ODNI S&T Director Dr. John Beieler wrote.
“The Landscape documents IC challenges and relays them to prospective solvers and has been a proven mechanism for positioning the IC to address future challenges,” Beieler added. “My office and I are committed to help posture the IC, through forceful advocacy on behalf of the Community, to address future challenges with adaptability and resilience.”
ODNI is seeking response and feedback on the S&T Investment Landscape by May 28.