The U.S. Navy official in charge of creating improved customer experience (CX) within the military service branch is expecting “big changes” to result from that effort.
Petra Alfred, director of customer experience in the Navy’s Program Executive Office for Manpower, Logistics and Business Solutions (PEO MLB), talked about ongoing work aimed at CX improvements during an April 24 event organized by Federal News Network.
“I think CX is here to stay and I think we are making strides to change culture,” Alfred said. She added, “that’s not going to happen overnight.”
“But I think you’re going to start to see changes being made that will trickle down to every other aspect of employee experience, satisfaction, motivation, even if it’s not primarily the focus area for us,” she said. “I think you’ll see big changes.”
Alfred said that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies should help her office with its CX improvement mission.
“As we get higher fidelity of data and connect systems using AI,” Alfred said the Navy will generate access to performance and survey data “to really be able to pinpoint what are those areas that are contributing to those outcomes of interest to us.”
Alfred said one of the keys to CX improvement is listening to users and understanding what they need to do business effectively.
“I just want everyone to always – whenever you’re doing work with the Federal government, with the Department of Defense – think about your users,” she said. “It’s one thing to meet requirements, but it’s another thing to satisfy your users.”
“Find out what’s lacking,” she urged. “Find out what new capabilities are needed, from their opinion from their voice from their jobs … They’re doing the job to help us, and we should help them.”