It’s been a long time – early March 2020 to be precise – since MeriTalk last hosted a live, in-person event where the Federal tech community can get together, share refreshments, reunite with old friends, and meet new ones too.
Later this year – strictly subject to all of the proper health caveats – that dry spell might be breaking. Who’d like to take a break from the home office and get out for an hour or two? Yeah, us too!
We’re pleased to pass along that MeriTalk has tentative plans on the drawing board for limited attendance, in-person events for late July and mid-October 2021. Once again, future CDC and D.C. government COVID policies will have the final say, but that’s not stopping the event planning process.
First up, MeriTalk plans to resume its Cyber Smoke happy hour event in downtown D.C. on July 29, with limited attendance. We’ll be “rising from the ashes” for the first Cyber Smoke event since early 2020, and reigniting the most talked about and widely attended networking event in the Federal market.
After that, if circumstances safely allow, we hope to return to our regular programming for Cyber Smoke, with events planned for October and December 2021.
Then on October 16, MeriTalk will host its annual Government CIO Cricket match at Bellapais-on-the-Potomac to celebrate 300Brand’s 24th anniversary as a company, and to benefit USO-Metro.
Don’t know much about cricket? No worries, you’ll be in very good company as a bunch of Yanks get to re-interpret the game of baseball (well, sort of…) from the learned ranks of the native cricket players that make up the sporting core of the Federal IT community. Whether playing, rooting, or relaxing and socializing, get ready for a delightful afternoon filled with food, friends, fun, and toasting.
We realize there’s a lot of uncertainty to play out between now and then, but that’s not getting in the way of planning for some more great in-person events for the Federal tech community. Let’s all keep doing our part – adjust that mask, wash those hands – and look forward to getting together as soon as we can.