Dave Zvenyach, director of the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Technology Transformation Services (TTS) organization, today detailed a range of projects that will benefit from the $150 million of new funding provided for TTS’ Federal Citizen Services Fund under the American Rescue Plan Act that became law last week.
“Funding multiple projects within TTS, the FCSF [Federal Citizen Services Fund], drives innovation in government through interagency projects that enhance and promote the public’s digital experience with government,” Zvenyach said.
“This includes using technology to improve service delivery, transparency, security, and the efficiency of Federal operations, while also increasing public participation,” he said.
Zvenyach said the $150 million of new funding for FCSF will improve the government’s ability to operate digitally. He said TTS is “eager to provide and prioritize” both short-term and long-term efforts “that respond to the pandemic and economic recovery, strengthen the government’s cybersecurity posture, and deliver government digital services to the public, effectively.”
“Near-term initiatives will be investments in addressing the pandemic and improving service delivery and security, while longer-term initiatives will improve security, enable mission delivery, and really transform the Federal technology workforce and improve the government’s experience for the public,” Zvenyach said.
“Importantly, it’ll bring industry innovation into government,” he added. “All of these efforts really need to be part of a whole-of-government approach and be developed with the intention of future cost reduction, secure, sustainable services, and improvements in mission delivery.”
While rolling out these tech initiatives, Zvenyach said two key themes need to be at the foundation of the Federal government’s approach.
“First, government digital services must be trusted. And second, our work must provide tangible value to our partners and to the public,” Zvenyach said. “As part of this community, we have to work together, we need to learn together, we need to succeed together, and we will together.”