The General Services Administration (GSA) announced that it will be awarding it’s $7.5 million Contract Acquisition Life-cycle Management (CALM) system pilot phase task order to Sevatec.

CALM is to be a system to assist GSA in modernizing its internal acquisition processes and systems within its Federal Acquisition Service (FAS). Additionally, CALM aims to be a streamlined acquisition tool for suppliers in submitting offers and managing contracts.
“CALM marks the beginning of a new era in agency-wide end-to-end contract management and administration,” FAS Office of Systems Management Assistant Commissioner Judith Zawatsky said in a press release. “Our goal with CALM is to provide a comprehensive, flexible, scalable and highly configurable solution for all types of contract actions, from the simplest to the most complex.”
A 100-day pilot will be initiated to see if the solution provides value and “FAS plans to exercise options for additional functionality over the next couple years and ultimately expand CALM across the enterprise.”