The Government Accountability Office (GAO) launched Priorities for Policy Makers, a mobile app that allows people to monitor the presidential and congressional transitions.
According to Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States and head of the GAO, the app provides users with a list of the agency’s recommendations for Federal government operations. Through the app, users can navigate to GAO reports to find details on all recommendations.

The app, which is available for free in the App Store or Google Play, links users with GAO’s new presidential and congressional transition Web pages. The Web pages include a management agenda, which enumerates critical management challenges and how to address them, as well as a high-risk list, which names programs susceptible to fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement. GAO will issue a new high-risk list in February.
“GAO has organized its work to help President-elect Donald Trump and the next Congress tackle critical challenges facing the nation, fix agency-specific problems, and scrutinize government areas with the potential for large savings,” said Dodaro. “With our extensive experience analyzing government programs and agencies, GAO is well positioned to help bring policymakers up to speed on a wide range of pressing issues.”