The House Oversight and Government Reform (OGR) Committee released the seventh version of its FITARA (Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act) scorecard, showing progress at many agencies over the six-month evaluation period, and no agencies that suffered grading drops from the prior period.
Of the 24 agencies rated, none saw a decline in their score. 11 agencies received higher scores than their May scorecard, while 13 agencies received the same score.

For the first time in the history of the scorecard, no agencies received an “F” grade. Six agencies received a “D” level score, including the Department of Defense, which got a “D+,” which equaled its best-ever FITARA scorecard grade.
The committee released its latest FITARA scorecard in advance of a hearing scheduled for Wednesday to discuss the grades.
For more in-depth coverage of today’s release, read our analysis of the Committee’s in-depth scorecard, or our analysis of the committee’s detailed review of grading for Health and Human Services.
Federal agencies with improved scores were:
Defense Department, with a grade of D+, up from F+
Energy Department, with a score of B+, up from C+;
Health and Human Services, with a score of B+, up from C-;
Homeland Security Department, with a grade of C-, up from D-;
Labor Department, with a score of B-, up from C-;
State Department, with a grade of C-, up from D-;
Veterans Affairs Department, with a grade of B+, up from C+;
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, with a grade of B+, up from C+;
Small Business Administration, with a grade of B+, up from D+;
Social Security Administration, with a grade of B+, up from C+, and;
U.S. Agency for International Development, with a grade of B-, up from C-.
Agencies whose scores remained the same were:
Agriculture Department, with a grade of D-;
Commerce Department, with a grade of C+;
Education Department, with a grade of B+;
Housing and Urban Development, with a grade of C+;
Interior Department, with a grade of C+;
Justice Department, with a grade of D-;
Transportation Department, with a score of C+;
Treasury Department, with a grade of D-;
Environmental Protection Agency, with a grade of C+;
General Services Administration, with a grade of B+;
National Science Foundation, with a score of B+;
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, with a grade of D-, and;
Office of Personnel Management, with a grade of D+.