The Department of Defense’s (DoD) Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) launched an open call for an industry partner to help bolster AI governance across the department.
The primary objective of the call – which CDAO posted on June 4 to TradeWinds – is to find a partner who can help analyze AI governance mechanisms within the DoD or pinpoint ones that could work in the agency’s environment. This partner would develop tools for CDAO to advise DoD components on the right AI governance processes and implement recommendations across the Department.
The open call is underway and closes on June 16.
As the DoD’s lead for Responsible AI (RAI), “the CDAO RAI Division is seeking to strengthen its approach to advising DoD Components on AI governance” and ensuring that CDAO remains informed about AI governance practices across the department.
“Given this mission, the [CDAO] is interested in developing, implementing, and updating appropriate mechanisms for DoD-wide and component-level AI governance, including – but not limited to – policies, audits, formal review boards, and oversight of risk management processes,” the notice reads.
The DoD already has many robust AI governance processes, including efforts to identify and mitigate AI risks. However, the CDAO RAI division seeks to map those existing mechanisms, identify where new mechanisms need to be built or integrated, and develop a roadmap for a path forward in advising DoD components.
“This work will contribute to the RAI Division’s approach to advising DoD components on appropriate AI governance and ensuring CDAO has visibility into AI governance across the Department,” according to the notice.
The announcement features a multiple-round, competitive assessment process in which respondents identify solutions that best solve DoD problems.