Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is searching for enterprise cloud integration services (ECIS) to migrate its Office of Information and Technology (OIT) IT systems to a full-service, cloud-based system, according to an April 29 request for comments.
The agency’s initial request is only to seek comment from industry to develop “robust requirements/objectives” to later acquire services from an ECIS provider. CBP wrote that is wants more information on several “as a service” solutions “for building digital solutions.”
CBP wrote that it’s hoping to accomplish three objectives by moving to ECIS. EICS will improve mission continuity as CBP continues its IT modernization priorities, modernize IT service delivery, and enhance CBP’s security posture as a part of the Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI) and Cloud First policies, the request states.
The laundry list of tech interests that CBP hopes EICS will provide include the implementation of Application Program Interface frameworks, building mobile solutions, defining container strategies, supporting operations 24/7/365, and data management. The EICS solution will also be integrated into CBP’s existing on-premises and private cloud operations.
The ECIS contractor selected will have to leverage public cloud offerings that can accommodate these interests and provision a cloud access point that complies with all applicable government security policies. The provider will also be responsible for integrated cloud oversight, reporting, and support services.
Responses to the request for comments are due by May 6.