Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
Federal BluePrint

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform released an investigative report in September that reviewed the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) data breaches – breaches that resulted in over 21 million stolen records. The report stated, “Despite this high value information maintained by OPM, the agency failed to prioritize cybersecurity and adequately secure high […]

It’s time for Feds to pack their data center bags and start moving to cloud. Yet enterprises are not as secure in their decision to move to cloud. The Blue Coat Elastic 2016 Shadow Data Threat Report showed nearly 100 percent of apps analyzed do not provide sufficient security and compliance controls to effectively protect […]

This just in, a threat has surfaced on an agency network. Can it be stopped in time? Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) combined with Symantec + Blue Coat’s security platform enables real-time threat detection, allowing agencies to mitigate and address any risks.

Agencies need visibility into their networks, control over user access, and protection of their boundaries as part of CDM. […]