Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
cloud computing

The Office of Management and Budget in coordination with the Department of Homeland Security recently proposed an update to the Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) policy: TIC 3.0. Still in draft form, TIC 3.0, proposes increased cloud security flexibility for federal agencies, and the opportunity to use modern security capabilities to meet the spirit and intent of the original TIC policy. […]

Eighteen years into the 21st century, and one of the most important systems contributing to our economy and quality of life is stuck in the past. Transportation infrastructure, which delivers us from point A to point B and back, has yet to catch up with the digital revolution. […]

The Federal government isn’t known for its progressive approach to IT infrastructure, and agencies aren’t usually early tech adopters. Yet, agencies are increasingly deploying cutting-edge DevOps methodologies to achieve agility and reduce operating costs. […]

The recent Pentagon announcement of a $950 million (ceiling) production contract to nontraditional defense contractor REAN Cloud has sent reverberations through the acquisition community. This Production Other Transaction (OT) agreement follows a similar, although smaller production award by the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental (DiUX) to the cybersecurity firm Tanium (Full disclosure, Tanium is a client of mine). […]


We are a group of former Federal IT leaders, technology industry executives, and journalists. We believe the technology priorities embraced by the next President of the United States will be central to our nation’s ability to remain secure, competitive, open, innovative, and responsive to the needs of citizens. That is why we are endorsing Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. […]

Congress next week plans to hold a hearing on how Federal agencies are doing in their adherence to the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act, known as FITARA, and the public will get its first look at the second round of agency grades. […]

Taxpayers and lawmakers will be angry when they learn that it took a small team of designers from the General Services Administration’s 18F an entire weekend to come up with a change to the digital service team’s logo. […]

After years of development and hundreds of millions of dollars spent, the Department of Veterans Affairs is balking at the idea of replacing its flawed scheduling system with a commercial alternative. Yes, even after a major scandal involving deliberate manipulation of the scheduling system that led to the deaths of veterans, VA thought it was appropriate to tackle the development themselves. […]

A Federal court order would force Apple to unlock the iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino terrorists for the FBI. But the FBI versus Apple standoff has little to do with government surveillance powers and even less to do with imperiling the security of dissidents around the world. That’s just what the post-Snowden cottage industry of privacy-at-all-costs advocates, and Apple, want you to believe. […]
