Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
NASA JPL blog series

Never, in human history, have we seen this much technological change in such a short period of time. As technology grows more powerful, every facet of society has raced to adapt. It is exciting (and perhaps a bit daunting) that approaching advancements will probably hit faster, and may be even more dramatic, than changes that […]

NASA JPL blog series

Keeping up with hackers is no small task, particularly since some attacks can be sustained in near-perpetuity. No doubt, securing cyberspace is a daunting responsibility. But focusing on security and using emerging technologies can help us meet the challenges. In particular, when the cyber security personnel of cloud providers and cloud customers work closely together, […]

NASA JPL blog series

The benefits of Software Defined Everything (SDE) – in which a physical infrastructure is virtualized and delivered as services on demand – will change the way we design, build, and test new applications. In a virtual environment, operational costs drop precipitously as the pace of innovation accelerates. Containerization – a way to virtually run separate […]

NASA JPL blog series

It’s hard to know for certain what the U.S. economy will look like in 10 years’ time, much less what the work day will look like. One thing we do know: As younger generations enter the workforce, they will bring new habits, technology, conventions, and expectations that will likely transform business and government. With the […]

NASA JPL blog series

When the term “ubiquitous computing” was first coined in the late 1980s, it was envisioned as a sea of electronic devices “connected by wires, radio waves, and infrared,” that are so widely used, nobody notices their presence. By that definition, the era of ubiquitous computing arrived some time ago. Everything from movie theater projectors to […]

NASA JPL blog series

Before we can have a rational discussion about artificial intelligence (AI), we should probably cut through the hysteria surrounding it. Contrary to popular opinion, we’re not talking about machines that are going to rise up, steal our jobs, and render humans obsolete. […]

NASA JPL blog series

Our lives are very different today than they were even 15 years ago. We walk around with computers in our pockets and do things like share our locations with loved ones via satellite technology. Still, the changes we’ve experienced so far are nothing compared to the tech tidal wave that’s approaching. […]